Monday, April 9, 2018

The Great Elysium Hatch Replacement

...and we shall not talk about how many BOAT units that cost.

Even funnier, we probably would have postponed except for the curious case of the creeping crud in the back cabin.

So, in true fashion for the husband, if you are going to do one, you do them all.  And we found out we have a weird size (thanks, UK), my spouse and his buddy obviously don't follow the measure twice before you order a gazillion.  And our friend, who is the absolute bomb at what he does, had decided to remove ALL old hatches before finding out that the ones we ordered were the wrong size.

Comedy of errors.

Defender came to our rescue, accepting the wrong ones back even though it's not their policy for certain items and we got the new ones.

The happy ending to the story?

I used to see from crazed hatches like this:

But now I see out of hatches like this:

We just have the deck mounted hatches to do now.

Oh, and no, the creeping crud issue did not get fixed from hatch replacement.

The Curious Case of the Creeping Crud

A month or so after Irma, we were down to our routine checking in on boat and putting Humpty Dumpty back together and I noticed a very ominous stain in the wood veneer of our back cabin.

Oh, crap.

We's got a big leak.  I placed painter's tape to mark the boundaries so we could see if it was done or it expanded.

The veneer never felt wet, but over the next few months we notice it would expand/morph/move.  A couple of big thunderstorms had moved through during that time, so we new more water was getting in but how.

The obvious suspect was the portholes, so that's what we went after first.

When we first noticed, the stain was around the corner and also down to where the tape was.

I've encounter wood stains/rot/mildew, but this is just weird.

Catching up with posts time

Been having a few months of 'how can I clone myself so I can be 5 places at once' experience.

Then I realized the world couldn't handle 5 of me and I gots to stop over thinking everything.

So, here come some updates, not necessarily in chronological order, but in the order I can find the relevant information.  ;-P

So a few weeks ago, our piling finally got replaced, yay us!  Lessee, only six months after the hurricane.

They squeezed in a mighty big barge to do it.

Now we'll have to get the boat over their to add a hook to drape dock lines.  (Accessories not included.)