Monday, June 18, 2018

Putting humpty dumpty back together

So, so much happened over the last few months it was like drinking from a firehose.

In a nutshell, we pulled the boat, got her Irma tattoo fixed, painted her fixed the inside, inspected the swinging keel pennant.

Now I just need to get back down and clean her up. Fun.

bulkhead replaced after fix--little different wood grain, but we are putting up some pictures
to distract from that.

no more scratches--(however our dock finger still isn't fixed)

Our little beauty.

Solving the curious case of the creeping crud

First of all, I do NOT recommend Category 4 hurricanes as a diagnostic tool.  But that being said, we would never probably have discovered this problem without 100mph winds and torrential rains.

Our first suspicion had been hatches, we have two in the general area, but after those were replace and we had a few more tests by thunderstorm, we knew it was still there.

So that means tearing apart the boat.  Shit.

Off goes the cabinetry, the veneer, all of our crap (back berth, our living quarters) and there it was, a little bitty crack in the sealant at the deck/hull joint.  Top sides there was a little bitty gap at our built in chock.

But at least we found it.

Diagram provided by Jorg--boat builder/fixer extraordinaire.

Gap on deck.