Thursday, August 18, 2016

Kayaking Bahia Honda

Next day out, we rented some kayaks.  Beautiful day, flat seas.  SPF 1,000,000 and hat and long sleeve shirt for me.

We each rented our own single kayak to keep marital harmony, I learned early on in my marriage upon the Ozark rivers that Tim and do not share canoes/kayaks/anything that involves two people, one boat and oars very well.

There's been this little island that we've passed in the Bahia Honda channel that we've always been intrigued by, so after permission, we were allowed to go out there.


Tidal pools reminded me of Hawai'i

What dat? Who dat?

Colorful sea slug, that was a foot of water.  Unbelievably clear that day.
Kayaking back, I would stick my camera in the water and just take pics.  Yes, the camera is waterproof, that would have been unfortunate if it wasn't.

Bahia Honda revisited.

We took Elysium up to Bahia Honda.  Of course, we had anchoring problems.  No more Bahia Honda for us.  It's a jinx. Here's link to the last brouhaha.

This time it was the control for the windlass, could get it up, but not down. It was odd how we thought to check if it worked BEFORE anchoring, yay us.  But windlass down not a big thing, since gravity helps with the down.  However--Bahia Honda---between two bridges, not a lot of room for error.

First try didn't quite go the way we wanted.  And of course shore side peanut gallery was there.

So we try again and got well placed.  Then tidal swing and the tour boat pontoon got pissy, but seriously they had 5 boat lengths between us and shore.  AND ITS A PONTOON.  Later we found out that the captain is just a whiner.

No wind, so we didn't have that to add to the tidal swing.  Soon our chain rode (love my chain rode), got settled into the bottom and we were sitting pretty.

Going through the original Bahia Honda Flagler RR bridge.  They took a span out to allow sailboats in.

Anchored with US1 behind us.

After we got settled, we headed into the park to walk around.  Five hours at sea, oh my, we must get moving about!  :-)  Both times I have asked if we need to pay a park fee, they ask 'How did you get here?' I say by boat. 'You just staying overnight?'  Yeah.  'Don't worry about it'  There's usually a donation box they we wind up putting money in.

I knew there was a trailhead that we hadn't visited the last time we were here so we opted for that since it was afternoon already.

Beautiful original tropical hardwood hammock that most of the Keys looked like before development (or overdevelopment, if you prefer).  However, the first damn sign we see on the trail head is pointing out the POISONWOOD tree.  Yeah, don't take that name lightly.  Way way way more toxic than poison ivy.  Metopium toxiferum if you want to Google its fun filled facts.

 Immediately, my husband (very allergic to poison ivy, have no idea what this would do to him) freaks the hell out.  'WHY? WHY WOULD THEY HAVE A F*CKING POISONWOOD TREE ON THEIR TRAIL!!' 

Well, it's supposed to be a native nature trail full of original plants, my dear.  (City boy)

Once I got him calmed down, and off the parking lot and back on the trail-I really believe he thought the tree was going to attack him-we continue on our lovely journey.

Mid trail you pop out on the beach--pretty is it not?
(more about the little island off in the distance)

 So we made it through the trail with no attacks by the flora and fauna, and in time to meet our peanut gallery.  We refrained from any witty comments, just smiled and said, yeah, we were having problems with our windlass.  To which peanut gallery looked at us like we were speaking Martian. (Yeah, I thought so, f*ckers)

 Clouds moved in so no sunset pics.  Just a good Elysium eye view of our anchorage.

New boarding ladder

I'm just going to sit here, drink a glass of wine and post random crap for the next hour.

Are ya in? 

We got a new boarding ladder built for us. Super sturdy and with a full rubber backed bar to brace against the boat instead of two points.

The scratching and gouging has gone way down, the other one was crap.

Added feature is that it folds up and is secured flush with the lifelines.  Nothing to get tangled in or trip over.  Love it.