Thursday, August 18, 2016

Kayaking Bahia Honda

Next day out, we rented some kayaks.  Beautiful day, flat seas.  SPF 1,000,000 and hat and long sleeve shirt for me.

We each rented our own single kayak to keep marital harmony, I learned early on in my marriage upon the Ozark rivers that Tim and do not share canoes/kayaks/anything that involves two people, one boat and oars very well.

There's been this little island that we've passed in the Bahia Honda channel that we've always been intrigued by, so after permission, we were allowed to go out there.


Tidal pools reminded me of Hawai'i

What dat? Who dat?

Colorful sea slug, that was a foot of water.  Unbelievably clear that day.
Kayaking back, I would stick my camera in the water and just take pics.  Yes, the camera is waterproof, that would have been unfortunate if it wasn't.

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