Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Commissioning the boat....finally

After we sold Hemisphere Dancer, we put all our crap in a storage locker in Key West. Knowing that yes, we would be coming back. Using almost heard of restraint, we waited an ENTIRE year before purchasing Elysium. (Who may or may not sometimes be referred to as Lizzy M, or just Liz)

We had a delivery captain bring her on down, and I was struggling with providing them with enough stuff for the galley and bedding, knowing full well I already have it in the locker. We brought things from home and he purchased a few things, some of which will be coming home with me because I have this thing with glass aboard my boat. A Pyrex baking dish might not break if it were to go flying, but it would probably break my foot. That's just my luck.

The boat yard pretty much tried to do everything the last week she was there, even though they had her for six weeks. Tim was there to oversee/project manage/help. Granted, the boat yard did find some things that had the potential of being show stoppers, but they also dinked around too much.

After a fairly uneventful delivery, the lady sits at berth at the Key West Harbor Marina. Whoo hoo.

So, back to the storage locker. Even though the management goes around and periodically WD 40s our locks, ours still managed to freeze up. I had had a long day travelling and wasn't in the mood to fight with it, so left it. This morning I came back with a can of WD40 and went medieval. Turned out that the entire door needed WD40. So, here I am looking like a spray paint artist going to town. With the high wind, I was covered in WD40, the rental car was, it was great. Finally, the lock unlocked and the door opened. Hey, all our crap is still there!

Amazingly, we also did a well thought out job of packing and storing it. The vacuum seal bags, the dryer sheets, the moth balls, the extra wrapping,  all our stuff seems to be very much intact, mildew and odor free. It also helped that no hurricanes hit Key West this year and got the sheds wet.

But....I recall that HemiD was a two cabin sloop. So, how the hell did I wind up with enough bedding to outfit the QE2? HOLY CRAP. Some of this will wind up getting donated.

Open the next container....hey, Tim and I were wondering where all those shoes went. What possessed us to keep them in a storage locker in Key West? Huh.

Next container...Holy crap! The illuminated palm tree lives!

Next container...BINGO! Hair dryer. It's 65deg in Key West, I need a freaking hair dryer or get pneumonia.

So, I still have several containers to go, Tim gets to figure out his tool situation when he arrives. And maybe, just maybe...the weather will warm up.

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