Thursday, November 27, 2014

Sunken boats and grounded boats

When I arrived last week, I noticed a sunken fishing boat in the mooring field between our marina and the NAS channel.

A few days later, we had an abnormally high tide.  Evidently the fishing boat still had enough bouyancy that the extra foot of tide sent her adrift and she caught the current.

So, we take off and I noticed the boat is gone, I told Tim, hey they must have salvaged it, that would have been cool to see.  Since I'm the channel expert, I'm usually helming us out into open water.

I look ahead, and told Tim oh, shit. There's the fishing  boat.  RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE CHANNEL.

Of course, that sent my spouse into a spazout about derelict vessels and hazards to navigation.

Fortunately, we were able to scoot around it, but we both were wondering what will happen if it gets into deeper water.


Returning, we decided to see if we can nose into our slip, so I went about prepping the boat accordingly.  I give the helm to NotSoMuchTheChannelMaster.  As I am tying off fenders, the spouse says, I think we are dragging something.  I look over the edge and see in startling clarity the bottom of the channel and fishes waving up at me.  Uh, nope, honey, you are grounded.

There were two things, he got to close to the one edge and our keel must have been further down than we thought, so hit the button, raise the keel and off we go.  Very soft grounding thankfully or I might have been launched off the front of the boat, at which I would have walked to shore and met my spouse soaking and pissed.

Our second point of merriment is getting Elysium into our rather narrow marina entrance, turning into the current and trying to make a hard left required some inventive use of the thrusters again.

We arrive back at the slip and had a welcoming crew, of course, Tim did his world famous get two lines on the boat and then off to chitty chat with our visitors. Sure, honey I'll be more than happy to get the rest of the boat tied off by myself.  However, the guys too pity on me (or maybe it was my inventive use of foul language) and we got her situated.

All in all, a good day. 

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