Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Going hiking

Since we finally got our December weather in February--it was usually overcast and a bit chilly. So not a lot of boating--not to mention the boat was in various stages of disassembly anyway.

On the southern edge of the Naval Air Station there's an abandoned road and beach area that you can access from Geiger Key.  We discovered it the last time we were there.  Technically at one point you are on military property, but as long as we kept to the beach area we would be fine.

Jes' don't want no tourists wandering out to the tarmac when the Tomcat and Raptors are taking off--it'd be a lot of paperwork.

There's a awesome little driftwood house that somebody built, I think there might have been a squatter at one point, but it looks like random campers and bonfire camps just happen now.

It used to be a two lane county road at one time.

Hard to see, but there were these tiny little birds just sitting on the sea grass bobbing up and down with the surf.

Part of the driftwood fort 'sculptures' made from cans/bottles/soft coral.

Entrance to the driftwood fort, it's actually quite soundly made.

In the back country area, maybe or maybe not on the base at this point.

Off to play shoot 'em up over the Atlantic.

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