Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Thanksgiving Day

We spent a lovely day just hanging out. I actually got in the water...COLD COLD COLD.  Explored the fort, and went hiking around the island where it shoaled in 10-15 years ago.

Later that evening I took a turkey breast that had thawed out and cut it into filets for Tim to throw on the grill.  Roasted some potatoes and made some stuffing. VOILA!  Thanksgiving dinner.

After dinner we were hanging out in the cockpit and big yacht decides to have a fireworks show.  SO SO GLAD we were upwind from him.  Everybody starts sounding off with horns and airhorns. 

Five seconds later, Ranger Simon comes over the VHF. Boat in the anchorage. CUT IT OUT.

Whoops.  Five more seconds later, HONK, BOOM.

And out come the flashing lights of the Ranger Patrol boat.  Uh. oh.  I better get more wine and watch this.

NOBODY FESSED UP.  It was awesome. He came over to us, recognized us as dumbass dinghy people and said, hey, can you do me a solid?  If it starts up again, get on the radio and tell them it's Thanksgiving.  Give the ranger a break.  Sure.

I really wanted to get a picture of him leaving our boat with the lights still flashing, but I didn't want to test his good humor with us.  We might need to have him pick us up from the middle of the ocean if we take our dinghy back out.

Without a motor, yeah, pretty much all its good for.  A bird perch.
Early Thanksgiving morning.

Standing on Garden Key pointing toward Grassy Key.  This area is shoaled in pretty well now.
You can see our dinghy nicely upwind of Elysium. 

On Thanksgiving, I strolled on my private beach. What did you do?

If you expand, all the birds you see above the island are frigate birds.

Conch sculpture.

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