Monday, December 5, 2016

Marquesa to Dry Tortugas

After getting up and getting a good breakfast in us.  We took off for the Tortugas.  The wind was more on our aft so we opted to motor sail it to ensure that we'd make it to the anchorage with plenty of daylight left.

Without the engine having to put forth much effort and just the headsail up we cooked along at a very pleasant 7-7.5 knots with some surfing in open water up to 10kts.

After reviewing the waypoints and chart with Tim, I head down below to get some sleep.  The night before I was up a lot, had faith in our holding, but got woke up by a rowdy commercial fishing vessel and then later, by a weird sound.  I looked out our galley port and there's freaking bird just hovering at eye level with me.  Ghost bird, I freaked out.  Tim was not amused to be woken up by this.

Since our back berth is inset between what is the two aft lazzerettes, I utilized the pillows and comforter to make me a little nest to prevent me from rolling around.  And whaddya know!  I actually got a good solid hours sleep.

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