Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Elysium's new look

We finally arrived at our marina.  No electricity but water was working, but boil only.  I told Tim I didn't want any added to the boat.

The marina had the club house open so that helped out a lot.

First thing we noticed was the boat barn by our boat (say that 3 times real fast) was damaged.  Luckily the missing panels were by the building-as opposed to wrapped around our mast.

Mind you, these barns are supposed to rated to 150+ mph or so.

No time to assess the marina damage let's see our girl.

Wow. Nice tramp stamp Irma gave you lady.  Observe it for awhile, it becomes oddly entrancing. Irma spirograph.

Teak rail-1. Piling-0. 

Except for a small area that you can see above, all of this is where the teak ground the piling
into sawdust. Amazing.

Down below, cross fingers..... DRY.  DRY DRY DRY DRY DRY.  Not smelly.  A little trashed like a yard sale underway, but DRY DRY DRY.

All lines, halyards, outhaul and mainsheet snubbers intact.  A bit of chafe.


Oh, I see.

The piling isn't supposed to be like this.

Nor like this either.  Elysium and Lorac are literally holding the piling by their lines.
On top of that, the other two pilings are bit dubious themselves. We noticed that leaving before the storm, you can move them about a foot by hand.

So. One failed piling + 2 dubious pilings * lines set for a storm surge we didn't get (missed it by 7 feet, thanks NOAA) = banged up Elysium.

Our bet was that Elysium would be a total loss or not enough damage to cover the deductible.  Guess what we have? 

Oh, I mentioned the marina didn't have electricity yet.  Guess who decides not to work much to the pissed offedness of my husband.  Mr. Fischer-Panda. Of course.  Not Irma's fault.  We've diagnosed that problem we think. Will update if Tim's theory is correct.

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