Monday, October 9, 2017

Itsa gonna be an interesting sailing season in the Keys this year

Spent this evening reading all the updated news about Key West, particularly the sea state and clean up.

The warning is still out for pilings, telephone poles, boats, houses, Flostsam/Jetsom, you name it.

Of course, my first thought was....

Oh, come on....its funny! (c) Disney
But, in all seriousness, yes. There's alot of stuff floating around out there and not to mention the verrrryyy skiiiinnnny boooottttom of the Keys has most likely been rearranged a bit. Okay. A lot.

Irma moved around SHIPWRECKS.  The Vandenberg MOVED (in 100+ feet of water, mind you). The radar dishes on board were damaged or destroyed.  That's really freaky.

When we went down to check on our baby, the normally beautiful turquoise/sapphire waters around Key West were murky and gray. Reports are still very silty and only 10 feet visibility.

I didn't get a picture, but we had some very abnormal looking things floating around our boat, we think it was soft corals and mangrove root structures, but they were creepy and looked like they were pulsing. 

We just got reports back from our rigging inspection (yes, Cat 4, rigging inspection-mandatory for us), all is well, new windex and one halyard. Probably mentioned that. However, load of our mind and the mast as well. Okay, bad joke.

We'll need to double check the onboard depth meter. Since our hand held depth meter shot craps, we'll have to do old fashioned soundings.  Our neighbor will loan us a lead weight. I'm just that much of a nerd, that I'm looking forward to this.

Tim's blessed thrusters shot craps, but the keel is going up and down. So, need to figure out if its just a battery issue or if the controllers freaked out again.

Ready to get back to my island away from home, give our baby some love, and give my islands some love.  Six more days.

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