Monday, November 13, 2017

We came, we saw, and we left the boat looking like this..(again)

Went down to Key West for a less hectic visit.  Put some things back together, checked other things out that we thought were NOT working, but were.  Did some more disaster tourism.

Not very eventful.

But the generator has officially shot craps.  It had many years with little to no maintenance so we tried desperately to keep her rolling with corrosion removal and new hoses, but it wasn't to be.  We could have sent off the coil to be rewound, but that would be a very expensive patch on something that wasn't showing much promise.

Not having a generator is an absolutely no go for Tim, so, generator replacement here we come.  Now--if we were truly shitty, dishonest people, I'm sure we could have found a shitty dishonest claims adjuster to say this happened because of Irma. But we are not, so we won't.

..and DON'T get me started on certain people in our marina who are making claims on their boats that they DID NOT PREP FOR.  They were excited because they found their dinghy a month later.  It was left on the deck of their boat and I'm sure when it flew off it probably came close to colliding with our davits.  Not to mention the pieces of isinglass we cleaned up off our deck.

GRRRR. I think if you didn't follow your hurricane plan, you don't get money. But that's just me.

But, as usual, I digress.....

So, before we left, we had to get boat prepped for moving it to the next marina and generator.  So, the spider's web of dock lines got removed, canvas and cushions moved to berths, all the fun stuff.

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